July 20 2021


One of the most challenging things in this current season of my life is learning how to surrender to God’s will and his perfect plan – especially when the path is not clear. I have always been inquisitive. I have an intense desire to know and to understand.

I do not always know how to get from point A to point B; this is highly uncomfortable. I do not always understand the ups and downs of life, relationships, and friendships. Although I sometimes feel like I’m being crushed like an olive in the olive press. I have the tenacity to believe that all things are working together for my good.

Life is a beautiful journey filled with valley and mountain top moments. Although the valley is the most challenging place to reside, it is the most fruitful. You see, God uses the valley to build our character, develop our intimacy with him, and strengthen our faith. A valley is also a place where we build endurance, new behaviors, and healthier mindsets. None of this is easy because we cannot control how long we will live in the valley.

As I attempt to surrender, I am seeking God for the lesson plan– I know he holds the answer key to my life. I offer the image of my life that I had in my mind to God, and I accept his predestined plans for me.

Is this easy?


But I desire to please God more than my selfish desires.

What do you need to surrender? Do you need to submit to the healing process? Do you need to repent and turn away from willful sin? Whatever it may be, ask God to help you and give you the strength to relinquish your false sense of control and trust him. Believe that he loves you more than you could fully understand.

God is our creator; he created us for a particular purpose. I choose to believe that his plan is far greater than anything I could conjure up.

We all are in a valley of some sort. Let me encourage you just as much as I need to be encouraged. Continue to trust God; do not ever give up. No matter how complex your circumstances may be, we always have something to be grateful for. If you feel like you cannot think of anything – be thankful for reading comprehension- because you just read this post. Sometimes it is the simple things that we overlook.

Trust God. Trust his plans.


Be Blessed. God loves you.

Category: Begin Your Unveiling Journey | Comments Off on Surrender…
July 11 2021

Choose Love!

Frequently, those of us who have been affected by trauma have a difficult time expressing and receiving love. At least this has been true for me – sometimes, the idea of allowing myself to be vulnerable enough to receive love and return the same gesture makes my palms sweaty, my mouth dry, and my heart even races.

I realize those reactions are trauma responses; my brain goes on high alert and warns me that I must take shelter and protect myself from the invasion of imminent love. This feeling can be active even if love is what we desire. At the essence of our being, we all yearn to be loved, understood, and accepted for who we are.

Most likely, in some way, you have been affected by trauma. Trauma survivors have an obscured view of what love is. Often our abusers told us they were misusing our bodies because they “loved” us, or a physically abusive man acts out in rage in one moment and professes his love the very next.

As I mentioned in a former post, I have been on my healing journey for quite some time. I have healed and evolved in many ways. Recently, I made a deliberate decision to allow myself to experience the exchange of love. This was not an easy decision, but I have overcome so much of my past, and I am determined that the trauma I have endured will not hinder me from experiencing the fullness of life.

Love is a human experience.

We must embrace every emotion – pain, grief, enjoyment, pleasure, and the like. I know this all sounds terrifying because it is. To allow ourselves to be loved and seen, we must be vulnerable and live an unveiled life.

Take inventory, self-reflect, and think about where you are on your journey. Of course, use wisdom, do not allow yourself to be in an abusive situation for the sake of love or force yourself before you are stable in your healing.

Ask yourself: Are you ready to step out from behind the shadow of your pain and welcome love into your life? Please do not count yourself out – a traumatic past does not mean you are not worthy of love. It means you need to allow yourself the time and space to heal, learn to love yourself, and then let yourself love others.

I will be the first to admit that this is easier said than done, but I would rather allow God to heal my brokenness and welcome love into my life with open arms. I refuse to let the venom and toxicity of my past strip me of an incredible life immersed in love, joy, and healing.

I know we have endured our fair share of pain, but a heart that does not know pain is also a heart that does not know love. When we stifle one emotion, we stifle every emotion. In the best way possible, allow yourself to be overwhelmed by love.

The first step is to accept Jesus into your heart – give yourself to him.

Be Blessed! God loves you.

Category: My Passion | Comments Off on Choose Love!
July 1 2021

Look Within… Reflect.

We all struggle with fear from time to time in our lives. At what point do we say enough is enough? Fear shows up in many ways – perfectionism, procrastination, and indecisiveness. Fear can be paralyzing; we may never move forward and achieve our goals or desires.

Honestly, I have been thinking about things in my life that I have been allowing fear to stifle. And you know what? I am tired of wasting time. Life is so short; time waits for no one. Can you believe we are quickly approaching 2022? I know COVID-19 slowed many of us down; maybe it was necessary to help us regroup and think about our lives, decisions, and options.

Life is such a God-given gift- How will we use our lives to honor him with the many talents he bestowed upon us?

What plans or opportunities would you pursue or say yes to if you believed you could not fail? It may be time to view failure from a different perspective. Failure is our most excellent teacher. Mistakes are how we grow and sharpen our skills. Life would be dull if we never made a mistake or took a risk that makes us nervous. Of course, I am talking about a healthy risk- for instance, returning to school, starting a business, or telling someone you love them. We allow fear to make us miss out on life-changing experiences.

I know I threw many questions at you, but I am asking myself the same things. What do I want out of life? Am I willing to do the work and learn new skills to accomplish my goals? Let us finish out the year strong! We are capable, strong, and intelligent human beings. I am determined that my history of trauma and abuse is not how my story ends – the same can be true for you. Do not give up on God’s plan and purpose for your life. Nothing will be wasted.

The bible says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 KJV

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