March 23 2021

Spring Cleaning

Have you been busy with Spring cleaning?

Often, as we look forward to warmer temperatures, this is when we focus on dusting and cleaning our homes, getting rid of old clothes, packing our winter clothes, and pulling out our raincoats.

At least, that is what I do; I look forward to this time of the year because I love spending time in nature and having picnics in the park. However, how often do we spring clean our minds – meaning the same way we take care of our physical space, we need to take care of our mental space.

It is imperative to cleanse our minds. We can do this by reading the Bible, monitoring the types of TV shows we watch, and being mindful of the music we listen to. Think about it as a mental detox – take a break from social media or emotionally exhausting activities.

Journal and spend time thinking about what you are thinking of.

As you take inventory of your thoughts, pay attention to your mood. If you realize that your emotions or thoughts control your mood, this may be a sign that you need to meditate on God’s word to destroy those thoughts in your mind. This is a challenging process, but it is necessary for mental clarity and prosperous thinking.

Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

I encourage you to spend time with your thoughts and allow God’s word to renew your mind today!

God loves you. Be Blessed!

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March 1 2021

What are you juggling?

In this image, I am juggling snowballs. Needless to say, due to the texture of the snow, this stent was short-lived, lol as you can see, I enjoyed what I was doing. I was focused and passionate about the current task. But in all seriousness, do you allow yourself time for joy- simple joy? This image was taken at the local park.

Life is complicated; there will always be challenges to overcome, but we can not stop living in the process. There was a time in my life; I only focused on the trauma I experienced. My mind was consumed with darkness and pain.

By the grace of God, I have processed a lot of my trauma. Please take note – healing is a lifelong process. Once I learned that everything changed.

When this photo was taken, I had many issues in my life, but I let go and experienced the moment’s joy. Now, I can enjoy and juggle simple moments no matter what happens.

Are you willing to let go for a moment and allow yourself to have a belly-shaking laugh? I pray your answer is yes.

Be blessed. God loves you!
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