January 26 2021

Random Questions!

Hi Ladies!

I am just checking in! How are you?

I’m doing well! You know what, we are almost a month into the new year!

I pray that 2021 is off to a great start. From time to time, I love to ask myself random questions. The reason being, I like to check-in and see where my head is and what areas need to be adjusted.

Maybe you are interested in sharing the same exercise!

Please answer the questions honestly- this results in healing.

Please ponder on the following questions:

  • Have you submitted your heart to Jesus?
  • Are you seeking God for your purpose?
  • Are you living up to your potential?
  • Are you progressing in your healing?
  • Have you forgiven the people that hurt you in the past?
  • Have you forgiven yourself?
  • What goals have you put on the back burner?
  • Did you admit your faults and repent to God and the person you offended?

These are just a few questions to get you thinking. The intention is not for you to judge yourself. Show yourself grace and love; open your heart to healing and growth. I am very proud of you!

Be blessed. God loves you!

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January 17 2021

God is NOT confused

Have you ever felt lost and confused about what the future holds. I sure have! Sometimes I get overwhelmed because I am praying and seeking God for many things in my life. It is easy to get frustrated and lose hope; however, I decided that it is not an option. We have to remember that God does not follow our time table; instead, we are on his schedule.

I decided I will continue to seek God for direction and purpose. God knows what we need. Pray and ask God to align your desires with his will for your life.

If you desire to heal from past trauma, seek God first, and believe that he can restore you with all of your heart. God is a healer, and he loves you. Be honest with God; vocalize your struggles and watch Him move on your behalf.

God is not confused one bit.

Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].” AMP

Spend time in God’s presence today and watch your life convert into a beautiful masterpiece.

Be Blessed. God Loves you.

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January 10 2021


I’m so stupid. I wish I were attractive. I hate my voice. I hate my hair; I wish it were curly, or I wish it were straight. I don’t like my lips, or my nose is too big.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Even if you haven’t used the same rhetoric, I’m sure you can think of times when you spoke negatively of yourself. For sure, I have done my fair share of degrading self-talk. I used to hate everything about myself—my hair, my eyes, and my smile, etc. Of course, childhood trauma played a role in my self-image. Likewise, I also did not take classes on loving myself as a child- most of us did not.

As an adult, I realized that critical self-talk was a learned behavior from my childhood. Women in my home were not celebrated – we were molested, raped, and beaten. We were belittled and degraded. I did not learn about self-love until I became an adult; the concept was foreign to me. It was natural to shrink and downplay who we were. Often we learn how to love ourselves as adults, and that is ok. We cannot change the past; we can learn from it. Remember, we are no longer victims.

 I’m not trying to point fingers or exert blame on anyone. How can anyone teach something they had never learned themselves?

The great news is that we are adults; we are responsible for our healing. It is possible to unlearn destructive language and develop healthy self-love practices. That’s right; practices! Positive self-talk is something we choose to practice every day. Every day may not be identical. Some days will be easier than others. Honestly, when you feel at your worst, you need to speak life over yourself even more.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Proverbs 18:21 AMP

Basically, what we speak will either grow into rotten or healthy fruit. If we continue with destructive self-loathing words- we are speaking death. If we speak lovely and kind words about ourselves, we shall reap the benefits- this is speaking life.

The decision is yours. I encourage you to meditate on Proverbs 18:21 and think about what type of fruit you want to produce in your life. Please do not be discouraged if you do not see a change in how you view yourself right away. All fruit starts in seed form; trust that you are growing every day.

Be Blessed. God loves you.

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January 1 2021

Happy New Year!

I hope this post finds you well. I know I haven’t posted in a while, I miss sharing with you all.


Did you take time to reflect on the year 2020? I did! 2020 was an interesting year for sure. I’m sure you had your fair share of challenges but let us not forget the victories. If you are reading this post, you survived all the challenges that 2020 threw your way. Congratulations! That means you are stronger than you thought you were.

I’m proud of you.

I learned a lot about myself in 2020. For instance, in October, I battled COVID-19 and Pneumonia at the same time.

Horrible, right! Maybe not.

What I mean is- I was sick, really sick. I had no choice but to allow people to love and take care of me when I was too ill to do basic things for myself. I realized that it is not a sign of weakness if we need help and support from other people. It is not necessary to bore you with the details or the severity of that illness.

Obviously, by the grace of God, I overcame it. I am healthy and happy. Was it a battle? For sure! There were plenty of days; I was afraid and cried out to God. Yet again, God showed up and healed me. My point is that I can focus on an unfortunate situation, or I can focus on the fact that God allowed me to win another battle and see another year.

I don’t know what you suffered through in 2020, but I know a healer. His name is Jesus Christ. You do not have to carry the same trauma with you from year to year. Maybe you are struggling with the after-effects of the holidays and the memories that haunt and torments you. 

God allowed you to enter into 2021! Maybe this is your year for real change and healing. Cry out to God; allow him to meet you where you are. He loves you more than you know, and he desires to meet your needs. Do you need emotional healing? Do you need healing from sexual trauma? Are you in need of love and acceptance?

Be honest, and receive his loving care.

Please feel free to email me your prayer requests. I’m rooting for you. Do not forget the good news- Jesus died for you! What better way to start the new year – Ask Jesus to come into your heart and save your soul and heal you from your past. Jesus paid the price for us.

Allow him to transform you from the inside out. I promise you will not regret it.

Be blessed.

God loves you!

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