April 5 2020

My Passion!

Dear Survivor,

What does it mean to unveil? Well, the standard definition of unveiling is to remove a veil or other covering from; display; reveal. (Dictionary.com) What are we unveiling as survivors, and how do we accomplish this ambitious goal? No doubt, the unveiling is a life long process, but we will never get to our desired destination if we never choose to retake control of our lives and allow ourselves to heal from the inside out. We are in control of the story we tell ourselves and others. This is going to look different for all of us. I do not have a perfect formula, and I am not here to judge you.

The unveiling process is painful, uncomfortable, emotional, and downright hard. I like to think about my life in chapters. For example, in my early thirties, I was sexually assaulted. What if I would have closed the book of my life there? That chapter would have read- Nicole was raped, the end. I could not allow that earth-shattering trauma to dictate my life. I could not allow the perpetrator to hold onto the reins of my life, and ultimately control me like a puppet on his strings. In order for me to move forward, I had to figure out what my first move was going to be. I suffered from PTSD for years and then I decided to seek out therapy. Also, I knew I had a long road ahead of me and I needed something greater to believe in. I excepted a friend’s invitation to attend her church, and my life has never been the same. Although, this is not a Christian blog I do love Jesus with all of my heart and it is impossible for me to share my story, and offer encouragement without mentioning my spiritual life.

I have been on my healing journey for almost 10 years. Wherever you are on your journey is perfectly fine. However, it is the perfect time to start moving forward even if you have to do it afraid. I used to wonder who I would be without the security blanket of my pain. I don’t know about you, but I used to look at other survivors and wonder how did she move from a place of brokenness to wholeness. I must mention, wholeness does not mean that you will never have a bad day. It simply means that you are still in the fight and you are seeking unity with every part of yourself- mind, body, and soul. I read countless books about other women that made it to the other side of their pain. I was always left disappointed because they did not talk about the ups and downs of their journey. I did not understand why they were not authentic about how difficult the healing process is and how they overcome their trauma.

That’s why I am investing in you and your healing journey. We can all become overcomers and learn how to live again, together. I want to be open and honest with you about my journey. I had to unveil shame, self-hatred, self-blame, low self-esteem, an eating disorder, at-risk sexual behaviors, and so much more. I’m still on my journey, and I will be for the rest of my life, but every chapter gets a little sweeter. I would love the opportunity to encourage you along the way. You do not have to unveil alone. I will never judge you because I am you. I want you to know that I see you, I feel you, and I believe you. This unveiling journey was birthed out of my pain, and it would be selfish if I did not come back and show you the way.

Let’s take off the mask of who we think we have to be in this world. It is the ideal time to unveil from the effects of our past traumas. Let’s unveil together!

Imperfectly yours,


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March 29 2020

Dear Survivor

This blog post is especially for you, for us. We have been through hell. We have a unique bond because unless someone has been through the pain of sexual violence they will never understand the effort it takes to breathe again. Survivor, I want you to know that I believe you. I am not writing to you from a place of pride. I do not have it all together or all figured out. However, every day I make a decision to live again. To breathe again. I am speaking to you as a sister and a friend. You may be wondering why you should use unveiled faces as a resource for encouragement and healing?

Obviously, I am a survivor as well, but I have also learned how to overcome in many areas of my life. I have a history of childhood sexual abuse that started as early as three years old and I was sexually assaulted as an adult. My goal is to be honest with you about my experience because there is freedom in authenticity. I am no longer ashamed of the things I suffered in my life, but I did not get her overnight. If you are lost, I feel obligated to help and show you the way. I want to share incite and hope with you. I want to share things with you about the healing process that I wish people would have told me in the beginning.

Though this is not a Christian blog I cannot share my story and encourage you without mentioning all the ways Jesus healed me and comforted me over the years. If you are not familiar with the love and healing that is available hopefully Unveiled Faces will introduce you to the love of God.



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