August 8 2020

Hi Beautiful!

I pray that you had a chance to read last week’s post! If you read it, I pray that it blessed you.

I just listened to one of my favorite songs by Natalie Grant, Clean. I am familiar with the dirty, unclean feeling we experience after sexual trauma and throughout the healing process. It’s very uncomfortable, and sometimes it’s easier to disassociate to avoid that feeling. I get it.

I tried many times to purify myself in various ways, internally and physically. The results were always fleeting. Time and time again, I was left disappointed. I felt like a failure because I could not figure out the perfect formula to annihilate the humility and shame of the dirtiness that raged inside. I felt like my showers were not long enough, the water was not hot enough, and the soup did not contain the ingredients to wash away that filth.

Jesus is the only one that can make us clean. When I started going through the deliverance process, I was cleansed from that horrible feeling. If you don’t believe in Jesus, I know all of this may sound too good to be true, but what do you have lose. I’m not a person who makes many promises, but I can promise you that he will cleanse you if you allow Jesus to come into your heart. Jesus will heal you and give you a brand new life. Take a chance!

Please click the link and listen to ‘Clean.’ Please read the words as a love letter to you from Jesus. He cleansed me; he can do the same for you. – Natalie Grant- Clean

Be Blessed! God loves you.

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August 1 2020

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

Sisters, how are you doing?

I pray that all is well with you. I have been thinking about my life as a whole. Like most of us, I have been through hell and back again. But I am grateful for my journey. I have been raped, abused, rejected, and degraded by people that were supposed to love me. But I realize the same things happened to them. History repeats itself if no one takes a stand. We can be the ones to take a stand for our family and future generations.

I am grateful for the years that I spent in therapy. It was a difficult but necessary stage in my healing process. It is essential to process and accept the trauma that we have endured. I started to grow weary of talking about the same things week after week. I depended on my 12-pound weighted blanket, and sometimes I needed to drink sleepytime tea to get a good night’s rest. My mind was consumed with the past, but I thought this was ‘normal.’ I thought where I was, was good enough. I was determined to heal from my past, and I felt I had reached the pinnacle of my healing. I did not know I was settling for less. I was using coping skills, but real healing was available to me. The same is true for you.

As I mentioned before in a previous post, I am a Christian. I believe that God sent his one and only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in my place. I am getting ready to share something with you that may sound shocking, farfetched, and frightening. But I want you to know that you do not have to stay in your current condition.

Jesus is a healer; he healed me.

My Testimony:

I started a new position and ended up befriending one of my co-workers. He invited me to attend his Church. He began to share that his Church was a deliverance ministry. Yes, a deliverance ministry. I was a Christian, and I attended Church on most Sundays, but I was not familiar with deliverance. Deliverance means salvation, redemption, and rescue.

Let me be frank- deliverance is the process of being set free from demonic forces or demons. All of our lives are affected by the spiritual realm of light and darkness. Trauma is one of the many entryways for demonic forces to enter into our bodies and reak havoc on our lives, emotions, and mental health. Demons are powerful, but they have to submit to the authority and power of Jesus Christ.

I was afraid to attend this Church; I now understand that the demons controlled my emotions with fear. I dealt with suicidal ideations and felt like I just wanted to end it all. I did not want to live anymore. Out of desperation, I reached out to my friend, and we arranged for me to attend his Church. In hindsight, I know that God was orchestrating everything to work together for my good. I remember the night I was preparing to attend service, I was depressed, hopeless, suicidal, tormented by the memories of the past, and I felt out of control.

I arrived at the Church, we worshiped God, and it was pretty much a standard service until we transitioned into the deliverance portion. The pastor preached for a few minutes. I had never met the pastor before, and he did not know anything about me. My friend did not know my struggles, either. The pastor prayed for a few people, and the power of the Holy Spirit forced demons to loose people from bondage. I was standing at the altar, and the pastor placed his hand on my forehead the power of the Holy Spirit was so strong that I fell to the floor- I received deliverance from suicide, the pain of abuse, mental torment from the abuse, depression, and the fear of abuse. Those demons had to submit to the power of God, and I was set free! I want the same for you!

That night the Lord healed and delivered me and changed my life forever. I am sharing this with you because I want you to know that the same deliverance power is available to you. You do not have to let your past destroy your life. I am a living example of what God can do if we allow him. If you have any questions, please email me at 

I would love to pray for you and lead you to the Church that God uses to heal and restore the lives of so many women like you and me.

Be Blessed. God loves you!

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