July 25 2020

Say a little prayer

Hey Ladies!

Today I feel lead to do something a little different. When I first began the healing journey, I used to search the Bible for scriptures that would speak life into the dry and dark places of my soul. I would then turn the scriptures into prayers and make them personal. I know a lot is happening in the world, and some of us may be suffering in various ways. Psalm 91 is one of my favorites; it speaks protection and deliverance over your life. Please read aloud and believe in your heart that God hears, and he will restore you. Have faith, and receive his love and grace.

Dear Lord, your word says…

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Lord, I am seeking you for protection. I am broken and abused. I believe you are a healer. Please restore me, oh God. I am desperate for your presence in my life.

Father, your word says…

If I put my trust in you. Surely you shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
You shall cover me with your feathers,
And under your wings I shall take refuge;
Your truth shall be my shield and buckler.

Lord, I am disturbed in my mind. Please! Help me, I am desperate for your peace. Lord, I decree and declare…

 I shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

Father, I need your rest. My dreams haunt me at night,

But you said…

 A thousand may fall at my side,
And ten thousand at my right hand;
But it shall not come near me.
Only with my eyes shall I look,
And see the reward of the wicked. Because I have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, my dwelling place,

Lord, I seek your face. Please have mercy on me. Bless me with your grace. Lord, God, I decree and declare…

No evil shall befall me,
Nor shall any plague come near my dwelling;
For you shall give your angels charge over me,
To keep me in all my ways.
In their hands they shall bear me up,
Lest I dash my foot against a stone.
I shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent I shall trample underfoot. “Because you have set your love upon Me, therefore you will deliver me;
You will set me on high, because I know your name.
 I shall call upon you, and you will answer me;
You will be with me in trouble;
You will deliver me and honor me.

Lord, I am waiting patiently.

I believe…

With long life you will satisfy me,
And show me your salvation.”

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Be Blessed! God loves you.

*Source- Psalm 91 NKJV

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July 19 2020


I hope you’re doing well.

I have been thinking about ‘emotions.’ Emotions can be tricky because sometimes we are in bondage to our feelings, and other times we need to allow ourselves to feel with the intention to heal.

This week I had to face some hard emotions about my past. It was painful, but I surrendered those feelings to God, and he helped me walk through the feelings I was experiencing. I would like to believe that I am 100% healed from the trauma I experienced as a child, but I understand that healing takes place in stages. For instance, God delivered me from anxiety; I no longer need to sleep with a weighted blanket to feel safe. On the other hand, I’m still learning how to trust people and deciding what role I want them to play in my life.

We have to remember that healing is not linear; this understanding reduces the risk of perfectionism. Understanding how the healing process works can give us a sense of relief, as we make decisions to move forward and actively take our lives back. A life well-lived is not a perfect life. Life will never be perfect, but healing is available.

I encourage you to cry out to God in all honesty. Confess your emotions and feelings, and allow God to comfort you when you need it the most. Allow God to heal your innermost broken parts. I promise he will meet you where you are. Please don’t be ashamed of your struggles. Release it into His loving care today.

Psalms 34:18 says, The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

God cares about you, and he loves you more than your mind could ever comprehend. Allow his love to heal you. Draw near to him, and he will draw near to you.

Be blessed! God loves you.

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July 12 2020

Sharing my thoughts…

I am in the process of making life-changing decisions, and honestly, it has not been easy. In the past, I needed others to make my decisions. And my lack of confidence opened the door to everyone’s opinion and judgment. As survivors, it’s normal for us to struggle with making decisions and trust that we are capable of becoming deciders. Trauma taught us that our needs and rights do not matter.
That is a lie!
We have to get to a place where we can trust the woman that we are becoming. I know it can be frightening; we may even feel insecure at times, but we must develop strong decision-making skills. Learn how to keep the promises that you make. That is a sure-fire way to build trust within. Understand that you’re word means something. Developing self-trust will build your integrity and confidence.
We can walk through this process together. It is not easy, but we got this!
What decisions do you need to make?
Pray and have faith that God is leading and guiding you.

Be blessed!  God loves you.

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July 5 2020

Checking in!

We spend a lot of time and energy healing and recovering from our past. Trauma work is hard and draining. I can remember feeling like I was on autopilot going through the motions of life, but I did not know myself.

How well do you know yourself? Have you reached a place where you no longer pretend to be who you thought you had to be? I purchased a self-discovery journal. The journal has 121 thought-provoking questions for you to ask yourself. Some of the questions are uncomfortable, but they make you think on a deeper level.

Purchased on Amazon

Here are a few questions from the journal:

  1. What are your safest memories?
  2. Do you like people?
  3. Do you believe in God?
  4. Do you hate anyone?
  5. If you lost everything, what would you do, and where would you go?
  6. What are the things that make you feel safe?

I highly recommend this self-discovery journal. I am learning new things about myself, and I want the same for you.  Be honest; there are no right or wrong answers.

Enjoy your self-discovery process!

Be blessed. God loves you.

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