June 28 2020

Learn how to say, no!

I struggled for years with people-pleasing. I thought I was supposed to put other people’s needs before my own. I felt like my life was not worth nurturing and developing. People ran over me- sadly, I have to admit I was a doormat. I did not have a backbone. I said yes to every request and volunteered for every event because I was afraid of what people would think of me if I said no.

I would say yes, but I would be boiling on the inside and filled with resentment. I felt undervalued and unappreciated. I would panic internally, wondering how I was going to complete my errands and personal commitments. My therapist helped me unpack the reason behind my people-pleasing. My behavior was rooted in the molestation I experienced as a child. I felt like if I were compliant or “good,” I would not be abused, of course, that was not the truth. 

 I know this can be difficult for us because we have said “no” to unwanted sexual contact. Unfortunately, saying no in those moments meant nothing to our perpetrators. We are not the blame for the injustice against us. Please do not punish yourself; It’s never too late to exercise a new muscle.

We have the right to say no in any situation that we choose; our voice matters. I consider myself to be a recovering people-pleaser. You are going to be uncomfortable once you start declining requests and invitations. Developing new skills can be challenging and scary at first.

If you struggle with people-pleasing before you say yes, ask yourself these few questions.

  • Why am I saying yes?
  • Am I afraid to say no?
  • Am I betraying my needs to seem like a “nice person?”
  • Is the request reasonable?

Most likely, you will experience backlash from people that were used to you appeasing them; that’s normal. But that is not your concern; they have to adjust to the new you. And that’s ok, but don’t give up. You are worth it. People-pleasing is a defective survival strategy. Once you master this new skill, you will learn how to make decisions for yourself. You will no longer feel like you need the approval of others. I’m sure most of us are familiar with the phrase- No is a complete sentence.

Be blessed. God loves you.

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June 21 2020

Hey Sis!

I pray that this post finds you well. I have been thinking about how unpredictable life is and the importance of making the most of every day. We have six months left in the year, can you believe it! This year has been wild and crazy. The question is- how are we planning to tackle the remainder of the year? I know this year did not go according to our well thought out plans. We did not expect COVID-19, but if you are reading this post, you still have a heartbeat.

Spend time reflecting about the first half of the year. What did you learn about yourself? What hard truth did you have to face? Are you grateful? What joy did you rekindle during this time of social distancing?

The truth is, we still have a responsibility to live even though life does not always go according to our plan.

Look at the bare bones of your life and think about what is within your reach. What goals can you achieve that does not require you to put yourself at risk of contracting COVID-19. Please don’t allow the first half of the year to derail all of your progress. You have come so far on your healing journey, and I am so proud of you. Keep going. I know it gets hard. It’s still hard for me some days. And some days, I feel exhausted, but I think about you and the privilege I have to speak into your life.

I spent years in therapy, wondering why I was fighting so hard. I would often think about women that have experienced the same trauma as me, and I wanted to help you, and that is what kept me in the fight. My point is, you are someones why, too. Someone is looking at how you handle life. Someone admires your courage and resilience. Someone needs to see a woman live her life well even after she endured unspeakable trauma.

But first, you have to make sure you are full and whole on the inside. Figure out your reason why. Please don’t give up on 2020, make the second half of the year count.

Be blessed! God loves you.

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June 14 2020

Dear younger self…

Do you ever think about the girl you used to be? I do. In the past, when I thought about my younger self, I had feelings of disgust. I felt shame, embarrassment, and self-hatred. All of those emotions were the effect of years of abuse and emotional trauma. It’s difficult to see yourself as something other than a trauma survivor, but it’s not impossible. 

Let’s do an exercise! It may be uncomfortable, but we grow and become healthier when we step outside of our comfort zone. It’s so easy to bash ourselves and think negatively of ourselves, but let’s flip the script. I want you to take out a sheet of paper or your journal and write a letter of gratitude to your younger self. What ways can you honor yourself? It doesn’t have to be a long letter, just a few sentences or a couple of paragraphs. 

I’ll share my letter with you.  

Dear younger self,

I know life has been hard, and you endured much trauma. But today, I honor you for being strong and vulnerable at the same time. You were strong enough to confront the trauma and brave enough to be real, raw, and honest about your feelings. Your courage has inspired me to help others that have experienced sexual violence. It’s incredible to me that by the grace of God, you were able to forgive the people that molested and raped you. I honor you for being willing to let go of the hate, bitterness, and anger that was in your heart. I love that you have a zeal for life, and most of the time, you see the glass half full. Thank you for all the years of journaling and praying, even when you didn’t want to. 

Thank you for never giving up. I respect you, and I love you. There is no other person I would rather be. You are beautiful, and I love your personality. One of the best decisions you made was to stop putting chemicals in your hair and allowing your natural hair to glorify God, lol. I love that you stopped hiding behind the veil of shame and self-hatred. 

Please accept this letter of gratitude with humility and grace. Continue to grow into the person that God has created you to be because you are more than a trauma survivor. 

Now, your turn!

I pray that you will take the time to love yourself and offer sweet words of kindness. I have learned that if I don’t pour into me, I won’t have anything to give to you from the overflow. Our bodies have been through a lot, and you don’t have to be embarrassed to honor yourself. On days when you don’t feel good about yourself, I encourage you to refer back to your letter and remind yourself that you are a fantastic person. We are not accepting ourselves despite the trauma, but because God’s word says:

13 For you formed my inward parts;

you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;

my soul knows it very well.

Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV)

I would love to read your letter of gratitude to your younger self. If you feel comfortable sharing, please email me at unveiledfacesmovement@gmail.com

I will not share your letter or personal information.

Be blessed! God loves you.

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June 7 2020

What in the world?

There is so much happening in the world right now. And the weight of today’s society can take a toll on your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. And it’s ok, to be honest with ourselves and others about our feelings. Amid a pandemic, racism, and police savageness lead to the murder of another, unarmed black man.

I have been thinking about what it is like to be a black woman in America. I have to admit it’s not easy because there are biased opinions regarding African American culture. I had to be honest about my views about my culture and face uncomfortable truths in my heart.

If we don’t repent to God and change our hearts towards one another, racism may never end. I find it interesting that God created the human race, but we created racism. We see color instead of seeing humans as unique individuals with an array of cultures such as; food, dance, hair, and numerous music styles.

 Today, I walked to my local park and spent time in nature, and that was what I needed. I needed to ground myself and reconnect with my center. I had to remind myself that I am a black woman, but my identity is grounded and rooted in Christ Jesus. Afterward, I felt refreshed and hopeful about the condition of the world.

What do you need?

I encourage you to take time out for yourself. Take a break from social media and listen to your heart. Repent to God about preconceived notions you may have about another culture. Racism is a complicated topic, no matter what color your skin is. This blog is for women that have survived sexual assault.

Every woman!

Not just African Americans, but Asians, Caucasians, Mexicans, Indians, and every other woman that decides to read this blog. I wanted to make that clear because trauma does not have a color; it is a human experience.

Be Blessed!

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